Thrush Dust® is a full spectrum, all natural, powder based thrush product designed to penetrate deep down in the cracks and crevices of the hoof eliminating fungus and bacteria. This non-caustic formula works on thrush, whiteline, seedy toe, sulcus infections, as well as rain rot and skin fungus.
Active Ingredients: Zinc Sulfate (20%)
Inactive Ingredients: Bentonite Clay, Zinc
Oxide, Sodium Bicarbonate, Oregano powder,
Lavender Powder, Rosemary Powder,
Eucalyptus Powder.
Directions: Snip off tip of spplication. Push applicator tip into area of the hoof requiring treatment. Product can be applied to the entire hoof if needed. Use a hoof brush to help distribute product around the hoof. Use daily until cleared to eliminate active infection or once a week as a preventative. For skin fungus, use coat brush to brush any scabbing away. Trim area if possible. Sprinkle Thrush Dust in a thin layer over fungus. If needed, use a coat brush to help distribute. Use daily until cleared to eliminate an active infection.
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